Тема XIX: Робота і професії  

Моя майбутня професія

Тренувальний Тест

Мета уроку:

Учні вивчають  нові слова про різноманітні професії.

Учні читають запитання і дають відповіді, вирішують які професії підходять для професійних, які для чуйних робітників.

Учні закріплюють вивчене тестовим завданням.

Учні замислюються, наскільки різні людські якості потрібні для того, щоб виконувати ту, чи іншу роботу.

Учні критично оцінюють позитивні та негативні сторони різих професій.

Учні виховують почуття відповідальності за вибрану профіесію.

Моя майбутня професія

My future profession 

Kindness in the Workplace

На вашу думку, який варіант більше підходить для повсякденого спілкуваня?

[...] a good person is just as important as being a good pupil. (Davis-Reed, 2023)

Речення, з being, будуть звучати більш природно і більш ймовірні при використанні у повсякденному мовленні. Інфінітив підкреслює можливість чого-небудь і має філософський відтінок.

В деяких професіях важливо бути чуйним, в інших професійним і принциповим.

Які професії підходять для твердженння:

Being a good person is just as important as being a good [...].

Being a good person is just as important as being a good actor.

According to Backstage

Kindness in the Kitchen: A Culinary Conversation 

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Petro: Hey, guys! Let's talk about our future careers. I see myself as a chef, creating amazing dishes.

Kateryna: Totally! I'm all about baking. I want to have my own bakery someday.

Ivan: Nice! I'm more into the service side. I want to be a great waiter, making customers happy.

Petro: Yeah, that's awesome. Hey, guys, you know what? Being a good person is just as important as being a good cook.

Kateryna: Why do you say that, Petro?

Petro: Well, think about it. Sure, we need to know how to cook or bake or serve well to succeed in our professions. But being a good person, being kind, respectful, and considerate, not only makes us better professionals but also makes the workplace and the world a better place.

Ivan: That makes sense, Petro. Plus, when customers see that we're genuinely good people, it enhances their dining experience. It's not just about the food; it's about the whole atmosphere and how they feel.

Kateryna: Absolutely. And being good people doesn't just benefit us at work; it enriches our lives outside of work too. It's important to be someone people can rely on and trust.

Petro: Exactly. So, let's not only focus on honing our culinary skills but also on being the best people we can be. It's all part of becoming successful in our chosen professions.

Why does Petro believe that being a good person is as important as being a good cook?
a) Because it's easier to get along with colleagues
b) Because it enhances the dining experience for customers
c) Because it helps in negotiating better salaries
d) Because it impresses the boss

Answer: b) Because it enhances the dining experience for customers
Explanation: Petro believes that being a good person is important because it not only makes the workplace better but also enhances the overall dining experience for customers by creating a positive atmosphere.

What aspect of their professions does Ivan emphasize regarding the importance of being a good person?
a) Enhancing teamwork
b) Creating a positive work environment
c) Increasing customer satisfaction
d) Building professional relationships

Answer: c) Increasing customer satisfaction
Explanation: Ivan emphasizes that being a good person is crucial because it enhances customer satisfaction, which is essential in the service industry like waiting tables.

What does Petro suggest as the overall outcome of being a good person in their professions?
a) Professional recognition
b) Enhanced job satisfaction
c) Faster career advancement
d) Higher financial rewards

Answer: b) Enhanced job satisfaction
Explanation: Petro implies that being a good person contributes to overall job satisfaction and fulfillment, which is important for long-term success in their chosen professions.

According to Kateryna, why is it important to be a good person outside of work?
a) To impress friends and family
b) To maintain a positive reputation
c) To improve personal relationships
d) To gain promotions at work

Answer: c) To improve personal relationships
Explanation: Kateryna mentions that being a good person not only benefits them at work but also enriches their lives outside of work by improving personal relationships.

Empathy Enlightenment: Understanding Your Colleague's Motivations 

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Listen to workplace recommendations and be ready to discuss them in three short dialogs, followed by multiple-choice questions. 

A. Stop speaking to your colleague face to face and communicate via email so that every interaction is documented.

B. Sometimes the reason you don't like a coworker is that the person has the same bad habits that you do. 

C. When you learn what causes your coworker to tick (працювати) , you might like her better (Lukas, 2021).

Reflect on personal contributions, document negative behaviors, and seek understanding of disliked coworkers independently. 


1. Discussing Communication via Email:

How might communicating solely via email affect teamwork in a restaurant?

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The keywords

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Discussing Communication via Email (Dialog):

Petro: Hey, Kateryna, how did you find communicating solely via email for our pastry project?

Kateryna: It was quite different, Petro. I found it challenging to express my ideas clearly without being able to discuss them face to face.

Petro: I agree. It felt like something was missing without the real-time interaction. Did you find documenting every interaction helpful?

Kateryna: Definitely. It ensured that everything was recorded, which could be useful for referencing later. But it also made the conversation feel more formal and less natural.

Petro: Yeah, I noticed that too. Overall, I think face-to-face communication allows for better collaboration and understanding.

2. Identifying Shared Bad Habits:

Have you noticed any shared habits among coworkers? How can awareness of these habits improve teamwork?

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The keywords

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Identifying Shared Bad Habits (Dialog):

Ivan: So, Maria, did you identify any habits that you think we might share with our kitchen team?

Maria: Yeah, I realized that both I and some of my colleagues tend to procrastinate when it comes to organizing our workstations.

Ivan: Interesting. I noticed the same thing with myself and a few others. It's eye-opening to recognize that our own habits might contribute to the challenges we face with our colleagues.

Maria: Definitely. I think being aware of these shared habits can help us approach conflicts or misunderstandings with more empathy and understanding.

3. Understanding Your Colleague:

Why is it important for waiters to understand their colleagues' stressors? How does this understanding benefit teamwork?

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The keywords

Check your understanding

Understanding Your Colleague (Dialog):

Anna: Hey, Oleksandr, I've been trying to understand why Petro seems so stressed lately. Any ideas?

Oleksandr: Hmm, maybe it's because he feels overwhelmed with the demands of serving multiple tables. I noticed he's been rushing around a lot lately.

Anna: That could be it. I'll try to talk to him and see if I can offer any support. Thanks for the insight, Oleksandr.

Oleksandr: No problem, Anna. Understanding what makes our colleagues tick can really improve our working relationships and teamwork, especially in a fast-paced environment like this.


Davis-Reed (October 4, 2023) 5 Things Every Actor Should Know Early in Their Career. Retrieved from https://www.backstage.com

Lukas Suzanne (February .28.2021). 6 Tips for Working With People You Don't Like. Retrieved from https://www.liveabout.com